Small Town. Big Taste.

Salads Side Dish

Safer Summer Spud Salad

So it is officially summer and you know what that means?  BBQ’s, picnics, parties and any excuse to get together and eat! I love a good gathering of my people but I get nervous when I see food sitting out especially in the warmer weather.  It is hard to enjoy yourself if you are wondering …


Hollandaise: Mother Sauces Part 5 of 6

Hollandaise.  Celebrate.  If we took some hollandaise, took some time to celebrate.  Just one day out of life, it would be so nice.  Sorry, Madonna circa 1983 just temporarily possessed me.  When I make hollandaise sauce, I have a tendency to put on too much jewelry and sing my rendition of her Holiday song. Hollandaise …


Beet it!

There are foods out in the world that I had convinced myself that I would never eat due to my past years of being a picky eater.  The beet had the distinction of being one of those foods. I had only really seen them on a salad bar glistening like slices of overcooked Jell-O.  I …

Fruit Recipe Salads

Master of My Romaine

I really wasn’t sure if I was going to post this recipe or not.  It includes a subject that some people consider “wrong” or “shameful”.  I am not one to hide from controversy so I am going to just toss it out there Seinfeld-style.  Yes, you guessed it.  I want to talk about maceration.  (It’s …