Happy Pi Day! I must say it is an odd one to write about this year given it is a Pandemic Pi Year. I am in a tough spot of being sensitive to the issues of today but on the same note I think we all need a break from the serious banter. What has gotten …

Hail Caesar and Fish Sauce
10 years. Double Digits. A decade. This month I celebrate the beginning of writing Felt Like a Foodie. I’m really proud of this achievement overall. I’ve written hundreds of blogs and taken thousands of pictures. I’ve met some incredibly famous people who have proven why their stars shine brightly. I’ve also crossed paths with some chefs who have shown me that …

Menu Bored
She was tired. You can see it in her eyes for they lacked a sparkle. You can see it in her smile as little frown lines become more permanent. Even how she stands looks like a person who is about to fall over. It wasn’t because she was deprived of sleep, it was because she was starting to …

2020 and Appreciating Your Ravioli Sauce
It is New Year’s Eve 2020 and I have not written a blog in a very long time. This has been a year of challenges. I’ve had so much to say and so little to say if that makes any sense. On my walks, I started to think of summarizing the year in a blog and kept …

Eat That Croissant
Do you ever do something that just makes you feel free? You know those moments where for a mere second you don’t have a care in the world. I think as adults we tend to forget the importance of letting go. For example, I like to open my windows of my minivan and play the music loudly. I …

Car Cravings and Creating Carbs
I was driving in my minty van the other week and got hungry. It wasn’t the run of the mill hungries but it was the kind of hungry that makes you look at everything and want to stop. I saw a burger place and slowed down and then sped up as I got to the entrance. Nope, that …

Challenges and Chicken Soup
I love a good challenge. Actually, I like the word challenge because it can mean so many different things. For the athletically minded, challenges are usually a way to inspire and motivate people to accomplish bigger and better goals. We’ve all heard people who say my next challenge will be to run a marathon or 5K. Nope, …

Keep It (Virtually) Classy
Is there something you are doing right now for fun that you may have never tried if it weren’t for the pandemic? (Please no freaky answers by the audience.) I mean, we all know this has been a rough year but is there an opportunity that has come about that you are taking advantage of and loving …

It’s Not That Easy…
“It’s not that easy bein’ greenHaving to spend each day the color of the leavesWhen I think it could be nicer bein’ red or yellow or goldOr something much more colorful like that It’s not easy bein’ greenIt seems you blend in with so many other ordinary thingsAnd people tend to pass you over ’cause …

Gindo’s Spice Of Life Review
The spice of life. What are you doing right now to “spice” up YOUR life? (And let’s keep it classy.) Are you wearing different clothes that have been sitting in your closet? Do you find yourself reading a newly discovered genre of books? Or maybe you’ve discovered a new television show to binge watch? As a blogger, it …

A shrimp…just a shrimp.
I am a shrimp. Think about it if you were something…anything…that lived in water…what would you be? Could you be a jellyfish? Something that people look at in awe but maybe not something approachable. Are you a salmon? Always going upstream to keep the circle of life going. Maybe you are a narwhal? The magical badass of the ocean. …