Small Town. Big Taste.

Showing: 11 - 20 of 21 RESULTS
Breakfast Eggs

Are You Gonna Quiche Me Or Not?

It is funny how things change over time.  Behavior that is normal in one decade may be deemed abnormal the next.  My grandparent’s generation had very definite roles for men and women.  Women were the caregivers and men were bringing home the bacon. My parents generation started to change the roles with women fighting for …

Breakfast Eggs

Eggs Benedict Arnold

I am a traitor….a dirty, rotten traitor.  Now I am not the kind of traitor who switches alliances during a war or the kind who divulges international secrets on the Internet.  I’m not even a tattletale or playground snitch.  (My sister’s may dispute those claims.) I am a food traitor.  My husband, Earl, has been …


Eggie Pot Pies

I want to apologize for slowing down on my posts the last few weeks.  I have a confession to make….I can’t stand food right now!  My Crohn’s is acting up and with that food has become an enemy to me and I just don’t want to think about it.  (I now know how Superman felt …


EGG-Cellent Day with the Girls

EGG-citing!  EGG-traordinary!  EGGS-hilerating!  EGG-ceptional!  Can you guess what I want to talk about today?  Yep, EGGS!  (I didn’t want to keep cracking you over the head with my puns.) Once a month or so, I get to have one of the best days ever with my girlfriends, Egg Day!  The tradition started after our last …