Small Town. Big Taste.

Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Beef Main Dish Recipe

Oh, Give Me A Home…

As much as I stand on my soapbox about being conscientious when making ingredient substitutions, sometimes I really surprise myself and think waaaay outside of the box or plains in this case. I had my heart set on beef bourguignon this week.  I had some beautiful mushrooms, carrots and pearl onions all ready for my …

Chicken Italian Main Dish Recipe

Marsala Madness

Living in a small town sometimes will make you a creative cook.  You have to substitute ingredients depending on their availability or distance to the closest store.  It can be as simple as using cheddar instead of Monterey jack or maybe Yukon potatoes instead of Idaho potatoes.  In cases like that, the flavor profile in …