Let me apologize for being a bit distracted this week and not getting a food blog up.

I signed up this week to “Take Steps” with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation at the end of April.  It is a small walk in Fort Wayne, Indiana but it is a huge step for me.

I wanted to mark my 40th year of living with Crohn’s by doing something and this seemed like the best fit.  (The picture I posted was my first hospital visit in 1978, I was only 7.)

Most of you have read about some of my struggles in the past here on Felt Like a Foodie but this walk isn’t about counting doctor’s visits, operations and hospital stays….it is about celebrating being happy, loved and supported by so many no matter what.

I’m making soup dumplings this weekend so expect a post on Monday!

Thank you for understanding my distraction (and if you are interested in making a small donation you can click on the link for the Felt Like a Foodie Take Steps Page Here.)