2:34. 2:34? 2:34! Why the heck did I wake up at 2:34?! Now according to my husband, I was not fully awake. I would have to agree. I remember lifting my head, looking at the clock and plopping my head back on my pillow.
I know I didn’t fully go to sleep for a few reasons. First, my husband said I kept muttering it was a “bad time.” I don’t know what that means. Unless it is what a wife usually says to a husband in the middle of the night when she is trying to sleep. (In his defense, I don’t think that was the issue….this time.)
Second reason, I know I wasn’t asleep because I was thinking and not dreaming. Unfortunately, my thoughts are sometimes as random and bizarre as dreams so this can be a bit of a gray area. (If you know anything about dream analysis, you probably would find me an interesting case.)
Finally, my perception was my reality when I got out of bed the next morning and had a clear and concise motive…I needed to make Rice Krispie treats…..with bacon.
One of my friends had recently made a comment about Rice Krispie treats and I couldn’t (obviously) get them out of my head. As for adding bacon, it was simple. I like bacon.
To me this was going to be the perfect marriage between salty and sweet. I also thought while I am at it, I might as well toss some spicy, candied bacon on the top. My taste buds were awakened and if this was a dream I hope no one pinches me to wake me up!
Livin’ The Dream Rice Krispie Treat
Ingredients for the Treat
(The Krispie treat recipe is true to the original because you don’t mess with that magic)
4 cups of mini-marshmallows
6 cups Rice Krispies (use the real stuff!!!)
3 TBsp butter
1 tsp bacon butter (yes, I am still calling bacon fat butter)
8 pieces of bacon, cooked and finely chopped (Reserve some of the drippings for the recipe.)
Prepare a 13 x 9 dish by spraying it with cooking spray.
1. In a large bowl, mix Rice Krispie Treats with the finely chopped bacon
2. In a large pot, melt butter over low heat.
3. Add bacon butter (or drippings or fat whatever you want to call it)
4. Add Marshmallows and stir until they are COMPLETELY melted.
5. Remove from heat and gently mix in the Rice Krispie/bacon mix.
6. Butter up your hands and press the marshmallowy goodness into the pan.
7. Let cool (and make the topping)
Optional Topping (Really there is no option you need to make this!)
4 slices bacon
3 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp water
¼ tsp chili powder (If you have more of sweet tooth, you may want to omit the heat. I like spice and less sweet so this was a perfect match for my taste buds.)
Oven at 350 and cover a baking sheet with nonstick foil.
Mix sugar, water and chili powder in a small bowl. Individually coat each strip of bacon in sugar mixtures and lay flay on baking sheet.
Bake for about 8 minutes a side. (You want the bacon cooked but you don’t want to burn you sugar. Mine went 8 minutes first side and 10 on the 2nd.)
Let cool on cooling rack.
When cool enough to touch (that sugar gets hot so be careful), thinly slice and sprinkle on top rice Krispie treats.
I tried the treats with and without the topping. I don’t have a sweet tooth so I preferred the smoky, spicy addition to the sweet and spicy treat.
I think I just gave Snap, Krackle and Pop something to talk about!
I think you did too! Defintely want to try this 🙂
Re: R.K.& Bacon Treats
Sounds, oh so good! Just need a little snow to add magic and all will be well in NWIndiana!