Small Town. Big Taste.

Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS

Baby Steps

Baby steps.  Anyone who has ever recovered from any type of surgery understands the baby steps involved.  You sleep.  You don’t sleep.  You can’t drive.  You aren’t allowed to drive.  You shouldn’t be driving.  You can’t lift, carry or push things. It is a frustrating process and makes me understand why babies cry so much. …


The Brady Lunch

As I continue to recover from surgery, I’ve done a lot of two things.  (Neither of which is cooking.)  I sleep and watch TV (mostly encores from the 70’s).  Sometimes there is a blur in my head not knowing if I am asleep and dreaming or if I really am part of the action that …


This Isn’t Funny

It is just a stomachache.  I went to bed and thought when I woke up it would be gone.  What I woke up to could be described as horror.  One side of my stomach was distorted and resembled a snake that ate a goat.  (Maybe not a big goat but definitely one of those little …

Pasta Pork Recipe

Not a “Boar”ing Bolognese

Do you ever have a thought in your head that is REALLY random?  I mean, there is nooooo reason whatsoever for this thought, it just pops in your head.  This thought is so random that you spend countless minutes, maybe even hours, thinking about this particular topic. Yankee Doodle.  Yep, that was my thought the other …