Happy Pi Day! I must say it is an odd one to write about this year given it is a Pandemic Pi Year. I am in a tough spot of being sensitive to the issues of today but on the same note I think we all need a break from the serious banter. What has gotten …
Pi Day
Any Way You Slice It…I Don’t Like Pi
You asked for it you got it….I am writing my Pi Day blog BEFORE March 14 so you will remember to do something “Pi-ish” on Monday! For those who are new readers, Pi Day is celebrated on 3-14. (Get it…Pi is 3.14159….) It is probably the nerdiest holiday of the year. Given I married a …
Pi Day of the Century
So today is the big day for all my nerdy friends and readers. It is Pi Day!!! (Please note the date and time I posted this blog…3/14/15 9:26. Am I blowing your beautiful minds right now?) But why is Pi Day so special? First, because nerds need a reason to have a party!! Due to …
Happy Pi Day: Bon Appétit’s March Cook the Cover
Is it irrational for me to celebrate Pi Day this year? Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14). Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. (Do you remember this from school?) The approximation to 3 digits …