Writing a food blog is more humbling than one might imagine. You get to have experiences with people and food that are unimaginable. And with each of these occurrences, I sit and wonder how did I ever get so lucky. (Kind of like how the players must feel when they get to a Super Bowl.)

When I am talking about the people, I am not only talking about the famous ones. I am really talking about my readers.

I’ve recently gotten some email requests asking me to update you all on my health. I always am hesitant to do this on a food blog but on the same note, it is a huge part of my life and story.

Since my ER trip on Christmas, I’ve had quite a few fumbles. My offensive play has been weak and I can barely get a first down. (Ooooo, witty football analogies.)

We recently thought we were gaining some yards and our plans seemed to be intercepted and we are far from the end zone.

Please note…I say “we” because I have a huge team trying to win this game with me. My husband is my coach. He is the one who helps call the plays, gets angry at the sidelines and encourages me when I am at my worst.

My doctors are like referees. They really do have a lot of input on how the game will end and you don’t always like their calls.

The stands at my games are filled with my family, friends and readers. You all have been waving my banner and cheering me on for so long. You reward me with your praise on every touchdown and you motivate me to get to the playoffs.

I’d say Crohn’s disease is my opposition-playing defense. It seems to be successful these days with blocks and tackles. Lately I feel like I am being sacked on every play.

We will continue to try things to gain yards on my progress and keep my fingers crossed that there are no flags on the play.

With all that said, I still see the goal posts ahead of me. I know that I need to keep getting up each time I am knocked down. We may need to punt every now and then but eventually we will make that field goal and get that extra point!

Thank you all for rooting for me. I hope this is the last I have to talk about my Super Bowels.