Do you ever feel like your brain is scrambled? That confused feeling when you are trying to complete a simple task but for some reason it isn’t coming easily. You know the solution but for some reason you just can’t get there. (If I were a little older, I’d just say “senior moment” but I can’t use that excuse yet.)

I’ve been feeling that way since my hospital stay. I just feel dopey. I find jokes harder to get and I get distracted easily. Look a bird is at the feeder.

Where was I? I chalk a lot of this up to the fact that I am really just exhausted. Recovery is arduous. Even the simplest actions require great amounts of thought. My mind is consumed with things like how to sit up, put on pants (yes…I have on pants finally) and what can I eat that won’t make me sick.

So it is only fitting that one of the foods I want to eat these days is scrambled eggs. After surgery, there is an exciting moment in the hospital where you can order your first meal of “solid” food. I always go for a breakfast option and scrambled eggs are one of my favorites! (My blog picture is my actual hospital tray!)

Most hospitals have “room service” ordering so your eggs are made fresh when you order them and I must say they are good. (I was going to make a snarky comment about hospital food but the food on this last trip wasn’t bad….yep…my brain is scrambled!)

The funny thing about scrambled eggs there seems to be an infinite number of ways to prepare them. Do you add milk? Do you beat them in the pan? Is that a squirrel? (Dang it…my mind wandered again.)

So I thought today I’d just write a few quick hints on how to make scrambled eggs.

  1. Simple Math: For every 1 egg, use 1 teaspoon of milk. You don’t need more than that. Add a sprinkle of salt, pepper or favorite seasoning. Ta-dah.
  2. Beat it: Whisk it together until the color is even and it becomes lightly frothy. Don’t over beat it.
  3. Warm your plates: Keep your serving plates warm so that they don’t suck the heat out of your eggs when they are fresh out of the pan.
  4. Break out your non-stick pan. It makes sense. You don’t want your egg to stick and get crusty.
  5. Heat it: Over medium heat, melt about a Tablespoon of butter for every 2 eggs. You want the butter melted and just starting to bubble.  Add your eggs and lower your heat!
  6. Scramble: This seems to be the biggest area of dispute. Do you want big fluffy chunks of curdy eggs or do you want smaller curds? For fluffy chunks, let the eggs start to set and then slowly with a flat bottom spoon, push the cooked parts to one side and let the uncooked egg seep onto the pan. For little chunks, just start stirring like you are made and you are going to really break down that egg. (I like fluffy the best.)
  7. Times Up: When you’ve pushed your eggs around enough, you will probably get to a point where it doesn’t all look cooked. Flip those parts over so they are touching the pan and remove from heat.  Trust me, it will continue to cook.
  8. Add-ins: If you want to add anything in, do it now. Make sure your ingredients aren’t ice cold or else they are going to cool off your eggs too much. Your eggs should be warm enough to melt your cheese.
  9. Serving: Put them on your nice warm plates and serve with your favorite condiments (Sriracha, Tabasco, etc.)

With all of this said, is there a right or wrong way to make scrambled eggs? I think scrambled eggs are probably one of the most subjective foods out there. We all like them a certain way and even on our days when our brains are scrambled they are one of the easiest meals to make! (Or order from hospital room service!)