Small Town. Big Taste.

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS

Challenges and Chicken Soup

I love a good challenge. Actually, I like the word challenge because it can mean so many different things.   For the athletically minded, challenges are usually a way to inspire and motivate people to accomplish bigger and better goals. We’ve all heard people who say my next challenge will be to run a marathon or 5K.  Nope, …


Can’t Catch My Broth

There are a lot of things I love about winter. There is a beauty in the bare trees and snow covered fields. The animal tracks in our yard allow me to see who besides birds are coming to the feeder. The sun seems to shine directly on me as if it knows I am always …

Chicken Soup

Chili Weather Is Here

I get a fair amount of emails from people making “requests.” Some of them are even about food!  (You know who you are!)  I make a list of people’s interests and hope eventually I can make everyone happy.  (Once again, I am ONLY speaking about food-related happiness.) A couple of week’s ago, I received a …