Small Town. Big Taste.

Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS

Idiom Idiocy

Do you like idioms? Some of you are refraining from answering because you are googling “What is an idiom?” That is okay, I’ll wait.   Are you done? Your spell check just looked up “What is an idiot?” (Not the same thing but you may think differently after reading this post.) An IDIOM is an expression, word, …


Your Happiness Is All In Your Noodle

The anger. The resentment. The name-calling. The accusations. The foulness. The glares. The ignorance. The bitterness. The pettiness. The disillusion. These are the words that keep streaming past my eyes when I think of one thing….being apathetic to pasta noodle options. It is such a personal decision and people take great pride in their choice. …


I’ve Lost My Appetite

As much as I hate talking about politics and would rather talk about food, I can’t get past today without pointing out the very obvious…it is Election Day. My husband and I went out and voted this morning. The line got long fast (2 of the 7 machines were already down). As more people would …